Card Reader – Accept card payments without monthly fees. Wherever your business goes in the UK, your sales can go too with taking payments using a Card Reader
iZettle is an easy way to start accepting card payments for small businesses.
All you need is the iZettle Card Reader, a smartphone or tablet as well as the free
downloadable app in order to get started accepting card payments with iZettle.
- No monthly fees or start up fees
- Free downloadable app to be used as the point-of-sale.
- Fast, stable and easy to use
- Beautiful design – inside and out
Grow your business with iZettle, the new way of taking payments and improving your business.
- iZettle works with both smart-phones and tablets, so it’s perfect on the go or in your store.
- It only takes 5 minutes to get started. There are no fixed fees or lock-in.
- iZettle fulfils the highest security requirements, is EMV approved and PCI DSS compliant. iZettle is also approved by Visa Ready and MasterCard best practices for mPOS.
- Get paid. Tap, insert, or swipe. iZettle Reader accepts chip, magstripe and
contactless payments – including Apple Pay and Samsung Pay. Simple and secure. - Beautiful. Inside and out. We’ve designed the iZettle Reader with you and your customers in mind, ensuring the best possible experience regardless of whether you’re making or taking payments. iZettle Reader is faster, more stable and easier to use than ever before. It also happens to be the best looking reader on the market.
- No cables. No hassle. iZettle Reader seamlessly connects to the app via Bluetooth. No training required. Once paired, its secure and stable connection means that app and reader work perfectly together. Plus, it’s new and improved battery means you can take payments all day long.
What is a card-reader?
The term card reader is a general term and can be used when talking about a countertop card reader machine, A portable card reader machine, or a mobile card reader machine, These card reader machines are also known as card reader terminal.
- Countertop card reader – Perfect if you work in retail and, with this type of card reader you can take card payments from your till or sales desk. If you are looking for a Countertop card reader give ACP a call on 0333 305 4500 or email and speak to a member of our team.
- Portable Card reader – Perfect if you work in service industry. As with this type of card reader you can take a payment anywhere on your premises If you are looking for a Portable card reader give ACP a call on 0333 305 4500 or email and speak to a member of our team.
- Mobile Card reader – Perfect if your business on the move. As with this type of card reader you can take a payment anywhere in the UK indoor or out. If you are looking for a Mobile card reader give ACP a call on 0333 305 4500 or email and speak to a member of our team.
The term card reader is now being used for the Card reader used in conjunction with a tablet & smartphones. This type of card reader can have the advantage of no monthly fees. They can be used as a contactless card reader. Chip and Pin card reader or a magistrate card reader. A card reader capable of Tap, insert, or swipe. The best known of these card readers are. iZettle, Pay Pal Here, Sum up and Payleven. (Sum up and Payleven are now one company)
The basic principle of card reader:
- Connect your card reader with your smartphone or tablet.
- The card reader and the device will connect via Bluetooth
- Open card processing app
- Process Card Payment
- Email receipt to customer
So now if your business runs from your car, your van or a slice of pavement, a card reader allows you to take card payments and contactless payments. Getting paid quickly is now easier than ever. But best of all never miss out on a sale again. A small card reader device is connected to the smartphone or tablet so turning the phone into a chip and PIN machine. The phone’s 3G or 4G data connection is used process the data.
Mobile Network Coverage:
All of these card reader devices require a mobile data connection in order to work – which might be a problem in more rural areas on some networks. If you sometimes have a problem with your mobile phone reception, then you might have the same problem with your card reader. This could cause an issue when taking payments with your card reader.
From a customer’s point of the view they want a card reader payment to be identical to using a counter-top card reader PDQ machine in a shop.
With a card reader, you will have the ability to, finish up a sale by offering customers the convenience of text or email receipts. Or if you can customise printable receipts with your business’ logo and contact details. Same as you can with a Countertop card reader, Portable Card reader or Mobile Card reader.
When considering your card reader also consider, is your device is compatible with the card reader. The iZettle card reader, Pay Pal Here card reader and Sum up card reader must be connected to the internet via Wi-Fi or mobile data for you to be able To take payment with your card reader.
If unsure if you require a Mobile card reader or a Table Smartphone compatible car reader contact ACP by calling 0333 305 4500 or email
You might hear that the traditional, mobile card reader were expensive, that the traditional, mobile card reader is bulky. That the traditionally, mobile card reader is provided by the merchant’s payment processing company, and that the traditional mobile card reader would use their own mobile data connection. When looking at any card reader be it the Countertop card reader, Portable Card reader or Mobile Card reader. Think about what you need for a card reader. Think about what your customers need for a card reader.
How do your customers want to pay?
The card reader will have the security your customer needs to feel protected. The card reader will have this combined with the highest standards of Chip & PIN technology.
Thinking card reader think estimated transaction value per month and just to confirm how important it is Think card reader think estimated transaction value per month again. This is one of the important factors when choosing a card reader and card reader type.
Key advantages of having a mobile card reader:
- A card reader with No fixed term
- A card reader with No monthly fees*
- A card reader that can be set up in minutes.
- A card reader where you don’t have to negotiate with banks for a separate account
- A card reader that could be considered as the easiest way to start accepting card payments
- A card reader where you buy the card reader for a one-off payment
- A card reader where you pay a % per transaction
- A card reader that offers fast deposits.
With this type of card reader as with the Countertop card reader, Portable Card reader or Mobile Card reader, there are considerations to be made. contact ACP by calling 0333 305 4500 or email and see if a card reader. Connected a smartphone or tablet is the right card reader for your business.
From the point of the view of the customer, the card reader payment process is identical to using a counter-top PDQ machine in a shop. The card reader process needs to feel secure because you are going to ask then to insert their card and enters their PIN to confirm payment as an example.
When thinking which is the right card reader for you also consider Deposit limits. There can be certain limits when it comes to deposit amounts.
Call Accept Card Payments on 0333 305 4500 to discuss card reader options. or email