Category Archives: PDQ Machine

Why you should opt for the PDQ machine

Why you should opt for the PDQ machine If your business accepts card payments, then you want a machine that will make your work easier and therefore lead to more sales. Although all businesses are not the same, all customers want the same thing; convenience and good customer service. This is what makes a PDQ Read more »

Understanding the PDQ machine

Understanding the PDQ machine Many businesses have a lot to celebrate thanks to the PDQ machine. It has completely changed how businesses approach payment transactions. In a nutshell, payment transactions have become much simpler and quicker. Previously, customers had to go through the rigours of swiping their cards through a card reader, wait for the Read more »

Things to consider when acquiring a PDQ machine

Things to consider when acquiring a PDQ machine Any person who owns a business will tell you that the initial stages can be quite stressful. Resources are limited and it’s not easy to get everything you want at once. It means that every time you draw a budget, you are performing a balancing act. A Read more »

The rise and rise of the chip and pin machine

The rise and rise of the chip and pin machine The chip and pin machine continues to change businesses and the way business owners approach card payments. Small businesses are realising that even they can take advantage of this evolving technology to attract customers that were previously the reserve of the bigger, more established businesses. Read more »

The best card reader

The best card reader We live in a time when payment options are no longer limited to cash. This means that businesses have to make adjustments to keep up with the changing times. While in the past card reader terminals were limited to a few stores, soon after, everyone would catch on and start maximising Read more »

Commonly asked questions about the PDQ machine

Answering some of the most commonly asked questions about the PDQ machine If you are in business and you haven’t started accepting card payments, you may be missing out on a lot of revenue. The world is shifting towards cashless transactions and businesses that don’t adapt might soon find themselves losing out to their competitors Read more »
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